May 2005
- Version 4.1 of the site, I changed the table layout and made it a little more uniform instead, also added a link to this page in the menu
- Added some new website buttons in
- Modified some of the bios a little
- new Theoden wallpaper is now avalible on the "Wallpapers" page
Late 2004
- Welcome to the all new look Calaquendimar, as you can see if you have visited before that is, the site has under gone a major revamp and well looks a lot better than it did before. If you are a regular visitor of my site you will be well aware of the changes it seems to undergo about this time every year. This design layout is more simple than my previous layouts which seemed to demand too much attention in many different places. All of the information is the same it is just in a much nicer layout and I have gotten rid of all the graphical buttons that were garish. If you have visited Avatar Ratava then you would notice a similar design theme and I have one person, Aelgy, to thank for giving me the idea in the first place and the fact I've moved onto StyleSheets! Note: Funny thing I had orginally made this site in Front Page (don't cringe I was naive) then I made Fantasy Node in Dreamweaver (which I found very clunky actually) and now I've switched to good old Notepad and hand coding all of the tags. So that being said please do not steal my design layout i worked hard to get the style sheet just the way I like it.
- Also please visit Khallandra's Domain to access all of my sites and you might have noticed that the message board is now missing - it wasn't very popular.
- Also a lot of my old pages now redirect to the appropriate starting point.
- Sindarin classes avaliable: 
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