I only have reviews for the main four plus The Silmarillion and
Unfinished tales and am in the process of locating and reading the History of
Middle Earth. But some of the others will be
listed here for reference.
The Hobbit
Bilbo Baggins is a quiet little
Hobbit who one day it set upon by a witty wizard known as Gandalf, Gandalf gets
Bilbo to join a band of dwarves (13 of them!) to the Lonely Mountain where they get ready to
battle the dragon, Smaug, for its treasure. They find goblins and danger but
just before the big battle Bilbo gets lost and discovers a creature named Gollum
deep in its depths as well as a special ring. They travel through the throws of
Mirkwood and are captured by the Elven King (Legolas's dad) and have to rely on
the wit of Bilbo to get them out. On they travel to the man of the Dale and up
to the cave of the Dragon. There is fun, adventure and loads of interesting
characters and a huge battle at the end for the blood thirsty types.
Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
When I first read this I was a little disappointed as it went on
for too long about Hobbits so by the
time they got to the Prancing Pony I was sorely sick of them, but luckily
Strider made that all better (he's my favourite). There are some differences
between the movie and book and mainly in the sequences up till Rivendell as the
Hobbits met some elves on the way, singing Tom Bombil and it is Glorifindel not
Arwen that rides off with Frodo but the changes work out for the better in the
movie. On first reading I don't remember an elf and a dwarf though I did
remember Boromir and liked him. On the second reading though I got more
engrossed and enjoyed it as I should have the first time.
Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
Some of the movies'
ending comes from the beginning of this book as it really should have been at
the end of Fellowship. The book is broken up into two sections: Aragorn, Legolas
and Gimli 'hunting orcs' to try and save Merry and Pippin. They meet the Rohan
and some Ents along the way and bring a traitor to justice. The other section
deals with Sam and Frodo as they travel East to Mordor and meet the most
unlikely of companions along the way. This book was more fast paced than the
last as it starts getting into some action so I can't wait to see how they have
put this into movie format. Best quote: "And I would give gold to be
excused and double to be let out if I strayed in." Legolas on the caves
of Helms Deep.
Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Yet again it is split up a little as the conclusion to the quest
comes somewhere in the middle of the
book. There are battles, Aragorn comes into his own and Frodo faces a terrible decision
and some deaths as well. But during the quest the world has changed and the
Fellowship go back to their homes to find them a little changed. As back at the
Shire things aren't as they should be so the four Hobbits have to bring things
back to the way they should be. The funniest thing is when Legolas and Gimli go
off to 'see the world' together and Legolas comes back from one of these looking
disjointed and Gimli beaming, but then he perks up as he drags Gimli to the
Fangorn forest. It has a great ending and it will be interesting to see how this
is played out in the movies.
The Silmarillion
IF you don't want to read it but want
to know the basics READ THIS. Interesting basis but VERY hard to digest I am on my third
attempt at reading it. There are so many people and so many confusing lands but
here is the basis: Iluvatar made
the world, he made the Valar powerful sprits of the Elves, Men would call them
gods. Two of them were equal in power, Manwe and Melkor, though Melkor turned to
evil and is not thought of as being Valar. Along with the Valar lesser spirits
known as Maiar were made, the most famed being Melian of Lorien. Out came the
Elves and Man and they dwelt on the Middle Earth, but Alue made the dwarves. The
Elves (the Noldor) battled Melkor and brought him to justice and most left the
Middle earth to go back into the West. As time went on Melkor was granted pardon
and corrupted Feanor who believed the lies and traveled with a host back to the
Middle Earth to the elves that still dwelt there. Along with him went Galadriel
who met Celeborn among those 'dark elves'. Years later men started coming over
the mountains to live amongst the elves and Morgoth (Melkor) saw a chance to
reek havoc again, so he sent fires over the plains of Ard-galen and sent his
minions after the elves and men and tookAngband. Fingolfin went and challanged
Morgoth and was defeated at its gates and after many long years Morgoth's
attacks stopped. After the defeat of Dorthonion the man Beren took up his
father's ring (Felagund - Aragorn wears it in the movie) and attacked orcs at
any pass he ventured into Thingol's realm and met Luthien, daughter of Thingol
and Merian, whom he fell in love with but Thingol found out and sent him on an
impossible quest, to get a Silmaril from Morgoth's crown. (Recommend reading
this chapter for more information) In the end Beren gets the jewel and he leaves
with Luthien. Thingol then had control of the Silmarilmuch to the other elven
leaders. Dwarves, men and elves stood together against Morgoth's forces but were
forced to flee all accepts the man Hurin who stayed and was captured. Hurin's
son Turin was then captured by Morgoth when he went against him and was saved by
his elven friend Beleg (Click on the Picture to Enlarge), who had also saved another elf,
Gwindor, but in the
confusion of the escape Turing killed Beleg and was taken with grief. Turin
gained a name amongst the elves and killed the great dragon, Glaurung, thinking
him dead his sister jumped off the cliff and Turin awoke only to cast himself
upon his sword (its a great little tale, very sad though). More wars were fought
and Dior son of Beren and Luthien was slain by other elves because he protected
the Silmaril, his daughter, Elwing, escaped and took it with her but Doriath was
no more. Meanwhile the great Valar Ulmo set Hurin's nephew, Tuor to find the
hidden realm of Gondolin and whilst he was there, Tuor fell in love with an elf
and gave her a son, Earendil, Half Elven. Gondolin's location was betrayed and
Morgoth sent his forces and the poeple of Gondolin were forced to flee back to
the Blessed Isles. Earendil married Elwing and they had two sons, Elros and
Elrond (meaning star-dome). Yet again elves fought against elves to get the
Silmaril but again Elwing and her sons took it with them when they escaped.
Elrond and Elros were later captured and Elwing was saved by her husband and
they traveled to see Manwe, and Earendil was given the choice to become mortal
or immortal because he was of both blood and all of his descendants could
choose, he became elven and convinced the Valar to save those on Middle Earth.
Morgoth was finally beaten as the Valar and elves of the West attacked him and
trapped him in the Dorr of Night forever more, his minions fled and hid. After
the final war most of the elves of Middle earth went back into the West, but
some stayed.
Akallabeth: Men of Numenor, founded by Elros and were
given longer lives and land by the Valar, they were men of peace and were great
mariners but in a time of unrest the people became dvivded, King's men and
Elf-friends. They stteled on Middle Earth where Sauron had already made Mordor,
when Ar-Pharazon became King, Sauron took the opurtunity to spread his Master's
lies and the people of Numenor started worshipping Melkor (Morgoth), though the
Elf-friends did not believe and among them were Elendil and Isildur. After a
time Elendil took the Elf-freinds to safety as the forces of Numenor attacked
the Blessed Realm of the West, Iluvator broke apart the waters and the
Numenoreans were killed all accept those that remained faithful and went with
Elendil. The reamainign founded the Kingdoms of Middle Earth and dwelt in peace
as Sauron reatreated to the deapths of Mordor.
Rings of Power and The 3rd Age: The rings of power were
made, under Sauron's watch (all accept the elven Rings) and he made the One Ring
in secret. Gil-galad, now ruler of the elves befriended Elendil and helped him
found Arnor (Elendil) and Gondor (Isildur) and the White Tree of the Valar was
planet in Minas Ithil. During the great war, Sauron destroyed the White Tree but
some of its fruit was spared. During the 7 year siege of Mordor, Gil-galad and
Elendil were slain and the ring was cut from Sauron's finger making his retreat.
The White Tree was replanted in Minas Anor (later called Minas Tirith) and Minas
Ithil became Minas Morgul (Tower of Sorcery). The rest tells of the Lord of the
Unfinished Tales
Okay I'm not going to do a summary of this book like the Silmarillion because it
is best that if you are interested that you read it. The Book is split up into
four parts so I will treat it as such.
1: Extended versions of the tales of cousins Tuor and Turin, though not much
on Beleg in Turin's tale (damn!)
2: Description of island of Numenor, inc. map. Tale of Aldarion and Erendis
(not it is NOT a happy tale), Kings of Numenor and a fragmented history of
Galadriel and Celeborn
3: The disaster of Gladden Fields (Isildur's end), Friendship of Rohan and
Gondor, The Quest of Erebor (The Hobbit) and how Gandalf got Bilbo involved in
the whole scheme, The Hunt for the Ring with the Black riders being sent on a
chance for the Shire, their meetings with Grima and the like and finally Battles
of the Fords of Isen which details the movements of Rohan forces against the
might of Sauraman and Sauron.
4: A small history of the Pukel Men, some information on the Istari
including the names of the two elusive Blue and a final section on the Palantiri
It is
highly detailed and mainly essays and short tales and I recommend that you read
each section with your finger in the notes bit of each section so that you can
easily refer back and forth and back and forth again and again.
Some Other Books:
The History of Middle Earth:
- The Book of Lost Tales I
- The Book of Lost Tales II
- The Lays of Beleriand
- The Shaping of Middle Earth
- The Lost Road and Other Writings
- The Return of the Shadow
- The Treason of Isengaurd
- The War of the Ring
- Sauron Defeated
- Morgoth's Ring
- The War of the Jewels
- The Peoples of Middle Earth
Tales from the Perilous Realm
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
Letters to Father Christmas