Aragorn - Return of the King |
the movie is essentially named for Aragorn he does exactly what the title says,
becomes King. Though Denethor claims that he will, “not bow to this Ranger
from the North” but Gandalf replies, “Who are you to stop the
returning of the King?” Along with Legolas and Gandalf he travels to
Isengard to confront Saruman and onto Edoras where he ‘parties’ with the
Rohirrim and when Gandalf asks about Frodo he replies, “What does your
heart tell you?” Théoden remarks to Éowyn, “He is a good man, it
was not Théoden King of Rohan that lead our people to victory.”
When Pippin becomes enthralled by
Sauron and the palantir, Aragorn doesn’t hesitate to take it off him and
subject himself to such scrutiny and he even offers to ride to Minas Tirith to
warn them but Gandalf simply replies – no you must come by another route.
He waits patiently for the
beacons to be lit and when they are rushes into the great hall and rides off to
war, “They have found their captain, they will follow you.” He
figures out the Éowyn is coming with them to war but says nothing knowing that
she wants her chance to fight for those that she loves.
He dreams about the death of
Arwen and the shattering of the jewel and it awakened by a call to Théoden’s
tent where Elrond awaits him, he grimaces when he hears that “Arwen is
dying” and Elrond hands him the reforged sword, “Become who your were
born to be…I give hope to that of men,” to which Aragorn replies, “I
keep none for myself.” Elrond proceeds to tell Aragorn to claim the
alliance of the dead who have been cursed, “Murders, thieves.”
Aragorn tries to escape in the
night but is way laid by Éowyn who he promptly tells, “You love but a
shadow, I can not give you what you seek.” He even tries to escape Gimli, “We’re
going with you lad,” and so
the trio leave going into the Mountain pass. When they reach the gates “The
way is shut, it was made by the dead and the dead keep it,” the horses run
away, feeling a great wind, Aragorn squares his shoulder and with a “I do
not fear death” strides forward. He stands in front of the Dead King and
claims their oath and allegiance, “What say you?” Together they take
over the Corsair ships and ride into port and slaughter the remaining foes he
releases the dead army from their curse and oath, it having been fulfilled.
Hopefully in the SE we get to see
Aragorn healing Faramir, Éowyn and Merry and hence returning to Minas Tirith as
King but as we see it he gathers an army to ride to the Black Gate, “We can
give Frodo a chance,” “A diversion,” remarks the keen Elf. At the
Black Gate the host stand waiting, wondering, Aragorn steps forward, armoured in
Gondorian King splendour his banner waving in the wind, “I see in your eyes
the same fear that would take the heart of me,” he spurs forward and
confronts the Black Gate and Sauron and (SE) the Mouth of Sauron bandies words
with them and the Black Gates open releasing the hoards of Orcs inside that
quickly surround the Rohirrim/ Gondorian host. Soon the Nazgul come but the
Eagles return and take care of them and as the battle continues they realise
that the Ring has been destroyed and they all rejoice.
As Aragorn gets coronated he
makes a very moving speech "This day does not belong to one man but to
all. Let us together rebuild this world that we may share in the days of
peace" and sings: “Er Eärello Endorenna utúlien. Sinome maruvan
ar Hildinyar tenn’ Ambar-metta!” [Out of the Great Sea to Middle-earth I
am come. In this place I abide, and my heirs, unto the ending of the world.]
When Legolas comes he tells the Elf is his late then sees Arwen and is amazed.
The White Tree blooms sending cascading petals over the royal couple and he bows
before the hobbits, “You bow
to no one.” Here his tale ends in the story but he lives for another
hundred years, has one son and many daughters and brings peace and prosperity
not only to the Gondorian realm but also to that of Middle-earth. He retains his
friendship with Legolas, Gimli, Éomer and the remaining Hobbits as well as
giving Faramir and Éowyn the realm of Ithilien to rule over.
Viggo is a much-loved man amongst
his peers, “Viggo’s a leader just by sheer dint of his personality,”
remarks Bernard Hill [Théoden] and when asked what piece of LotR memborbilia he
took home Viggo replied “Compassion.” Though he does remark that the
head butting thing with the stunt guys, “Seems childish now, but it was
Any of the thumbnails
Sword |
Game |
Rearing |
Calendar |
Minas Tirith |
Sword |
Shiny |
say you? |
Leaving |
Army of the
Dead |
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King |
Posing |
Happiness |
Challangeing |
For Frodo |
Shooting |
Riding |
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