Took (of the famous "Took" household) is cousin to Merry and follows Merry's lead when causing mischief.
He seems naive and good natured but sometimes is a little foolish, but
he is young for a hobbit. "It comes in pints? I've got to get me
one of those." Along the road Pippin seems to get himself into
all sorts of trouble just by being around Frodo and volunteers to become
part of the Fellowship, "Where are we going?" Pippin is
played by Scottish actor Billy Boyd, "Pippin is an individual,
he has a lot of spontaneity ... Pippin does have a habit of doing the
wrong things at the wrong time!"
Like Merry, Pippin was taken captive by the Uruk-hai following
the battle at Amon Hen where Boromir died. He tries to make an escape when the Orcs stop for a quick rest and
debate whether or not they are going to eat the Hobbits "What about
their legs, they don't need those." As the Éomer's riders attack the
party, Merry and Pippin escape into the Fangorn forest - closely followed by an
Orc who wishes to eat them. They unexpectedly meet Treebeard the Ent and are
taken hostage as Treebeard thinks they are "little Orcs." They
are taken to the White Wizard and are left in the care of Treebeard who takes
them to Entmoot - the ancient meeting place of the Ents. They wait patiently as
the Ents discuss the war only to find that the Ents have decided that they
aren't Orcs in which Pippin replies "Well that's good." After
the Ents decide that they will weather out the war, Pippin tells Merry that "perhaps
we should go home ... it is too big for us Merry" to which Merry
replies that there will be no Shire to go home to unless they do something. The
two hobbits travel on the limbs of Treebeard when Pippin has a brilliant idea to
show Treebeard exactly what Saruman has done to the forests and hence convincing
them to aid in the war.
As the Ents destroy Isengard the two Hobbits stay close to
Treebeard and it is there that we leave them for another year - patiently (and
not so patiently) waiting for the conclusion in Return of the King. Pippin
has quite a large role in RotK, he is first seen waiting for Gandalf and co when
they come to Isengard, sitting on a rock eating a sandwich, smoking some weed.
He then spots something in the water and bends down to retrieve it - the
palantir which Saruman had been using, unable to control his urge he steals it
from Gandalf and becomes locked in a battle with Sauron himself. He tells Sauron
nothing of Frodo and the ring but because Aragorn has to touch it to save PIppin,
Suaron learns about him too. Merry quite angry at Pippin asks, "Why do
you always have to look?" "I can't help it." Gandalf, sensing
the danger takes Pippin away from Edoras, "You're coming with me aren't
you Merry?" and to Minas Tirith, "In fact it's better if you
don't speak at all." He pledges himself into the service of Denethor and
becomes a Guard of the Citadel, dressed in Faramir's boyhood clothing, "They
don't expect me to fight do they?" Frightened about the upcoming war
Pippin draws himself to Gandalf's side, Gandalf sensing that Denethor means to
do nothing, gets Pippin to light the beacon at the tower and hence call Théoden
to arms. "Is there any hope Gandalf?" "A fool's hope." When
Pippin discovers that Denethor means to burn Faramir alove he seeks Gandalf's
aid and together they arrive in time to save Faramir, but Denethor goes into the
flames. Pippin finds Merry on the fields, "I knew you'd find me." And
they both travel with Aragorn and co to the gates of Mount Doom themselves, both
proving their worth. "You bow to no-one" together the hobbits
return to Hobbition to live out the rest of their lives in peace.
Billy Boyd sings beautifully in Return
of the King as Faramir rides to war and hear are the words I have gathered (and confimred with the DVD):
Home is behind the world ahead
And there are many paths to tread
Through shadow to the edge of night
Until the stars are all alight
Mist and shadow
Cloud and shade
Hope[All] shall fade
All shall fade
When asked what memorabilia that Billy took with him he explained that he got to keep
his sword which "That'll be something to show the grandchildren. Or hit
them with." And when asked what other role he would like: "Arwen
gets nice frocks. She also gets to lie down a lot and I like having a snooze.
But I'd have to kiss Viggo. I'd rather kiss a horse."
Any of the thumbnails
Drinking |
Being Scared |
Captured |
Fighting |
Sleeping |
RotK Preview |
Meeting Elves |